
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Challenge Accepted

So one of my Sunday activities is scrolling on Pinterest and looking at totally random stuff. I came across this Blog Challenge that seemed interesting so I think I'm going to give it a try. Even though I most likely won't keep up with posting every single day, I'll try my best to keep you guys updated often! I can't say I have the biggest audience on here, but I hope these topics on the challenge keep you guys entertained. I was going to go in the same order as the blog challenge, but that seemed a little too boring for me. The topic I decided to do this time was "10 Facts About Me." Making long lists about myself isn't exactly one of my strong suits, but I thought it would be good to introduce myself a little more to any first time readers that might wind up on here.

1. I'm really terrible at naming pets.
My first pet was my dog who I named "Princess" when I was about 4 years old. I named my rabbit "Baby", and I also named my baby chick "Baby." I like to get creative with names as you can probably tell. My sister and I had a horse for a while whose name was Pal, but we wanted to spice his name up a bit. So we began to call him C.J. Pal, which stands for "cool jumper." So if you never need help naming a pet, don't ask me!

2. Most people refer to me as Ally.
Pretty much everyone calls me Ally, but my personal favorite is when people call me "Al." There's just something about it that I love. A lot of my good friends will randomly call me "Mcdub" which is a really random nickname but I still love it. Every once in a while my mom will call me Mcdub and it's awesome haha.

3. I've read about 5 books in the last month or so. They're all children's books because it's a part of my class reading list, but I'm enjoying them so much! So far I've read Oliver Twist, The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, A Little Princess, and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

4. I'm likely to avoid conflict rather then engaging with it head-on. When I was younger, I could easily confront someone if I didn't like or agree with what they were doing, but now I just like to avoid conflict until it's absolutely necessary to confront it.

5. The most recent compliment I received that I remember well was on Friday when I was walking home from school. It was extremely hot outside and there was this old man walking and wearing a sweater vest and slacks. As I walked by (I was talking on the phone with a friend) he exclaimed, "Ooooooh girl, you are lookin' good today!" The way he said it was so hilarious and it made my Friday so much better.

6. A couple weird things I like to do when I'm alone is dance or watch the Cosby Show. I really love the Latin styles of dancing and am pretty familiar with them because of my background, but I was always jealous of my aunts and cousins who could dance better than me. Hopefully at the next family gathering I can surprise everyone by voluntarily getting up to dance rather than being dragged. And stay away from the Cosby show... It's highly addictive.

7. The last movie I watched was Life is Beautiful. It's about a jewish man, his non-jewish wife and their son who all end up at a concentration camp. The father (Guido) turns the Holocaust into a big game for his son, and the grand prize for the winner is a tank. I cried the whole time.

8. I can watch any sport and be amused. Even if I know nothing about it, I can be perfectly entertained while watching golf, baseball, or gymnastics. It's all interesting to me.

9. I had to wear braces for about three years. I don't know if my teeth were actually that crooked or if my orthodontist was just messing with me, but having braces was definitely an interesting experience.

10. Just because people ask me what I do in Hawaii. I actually live a pretty normal life, especially during school, but I do have the privilege on going some neat adventures and beach trips every now and then.

If you have any more questions about me or something you want me to blog about, leave a comment or contact me! Thanks for reading.


  1. Wow. The more you know. Hee here love you All :)

  2. How am I just now discovering this gem? Probably because I'm busy being a mom and I'm behind on so many things. Love you Al! Keep writing...I love reading all of it...especially things about you. Makes me feel closer to you, like I wish I was.
