
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Let's get serious.

Disclaimer: This might get awkward, so if you don't feel comfortable reading about this topic, I suggest you just don't read this post. It's just a little rant with my opinion, nothing too bad! But lately I've been seeing a lot of hype about this new campaign that is fighting to end pornography. I'm going to give my opinion on the topic in the least awkward way that I can, if you want to read more about the facts and how to get involved, just click HERE.
I am really happy to see something like this because before hearing about this campaign, I never really thought about how big this problem is and how it is ruining people's lives! Mostly in high school I'd occasionally hear guys talk about porn, women's bodies, and their unrealistic expectations for relationships. As a woman, it is hurtful to hear your peers in a conversation like this that totally objectifies women, but our society, through the media, is slowly but surely making this behavior seem totally acceptable and harmless. However, women are put in a very difficult place because they feel the need to fulfill these unrealistic and quite outrageous expectations. Obviously porn doesn't only target men, but I personally haven't been surrounded by girls who talk about this, so this is just my take on it. Even on social media it isn't rare to see men post extremely revealing pictures of women's bodies. It is something that really upsets and disgusts me. It harms people's brains because they literally get addicted to it like a drug and depend on it for satisfaction. It gives people a false definition of love and it is  MOST DEFINITELY a form of prostitution; not only are the people watching it being harmed, but the people who are in these videos suffer and are being harmed by this corrupt industry as well. Porn makes a person more critical of potential partners, and makes sex into something more casual and less meaningful. It is harmful to society because since porn portrays women as mere objects, the viewers start to believe that that is just what women are; objects. Long story short, pornography doesn't only harm its viewers; it harms their families, it harms society, it harms marriages, and it kills LOVE. So here's my short rant, I mainly blogged about this because I think more people should get involved and try to put an end to this terrible industry and addiction. If you missed the link and want to help support and fight the new drug, please click HERE. So now that that awkwardness is out of the way, feel free to comment or ask questions below! Until next time.

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