
Friday, August 29, 2014

Where is the love?!

My topic today is to blog about something that "fires me up" and I have chosen something that I am very passionate about, immigration. I'm not going to bash on people who have different beliefs than me because I'm trying my best to be understanding of their views. Instead of making it about politics and social issues, I'm just going to focus on a couple basic ideas.
I feel so privileged that I was lucky enough to be born into the United States of America. Sometimes I think I take it for granted and don't deserve all of the things I've been given. Growing up I got to recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning at school, and my favorite part is the very end: 
"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
The reason I believe this country is so great and amazing is because it was created "under God." I consider myself pretty religious, and the first two commandments of Christianity, simply stated, are to love God, and to love our neighbor (emphasis on the word "neighbor"). So I guess what I'm actually going to talk about is love. I strongly believe that if a person has love in their heart and are basing their opinions and behavior on the love they have for others, they cannot be wrong.

Are we, as Americans, viewing others with love, respect, and understanding? 
Are we aware of the hardships these people face that force them to come to our country? 
Are we aware of the many sacrifices these people made in their lives in order to come to the United States? 
Are we aware that these people do not mean any harm, and that many just need help and are willing to work? 
Are we aware that these people are leaving the people they love to find a better life and to provide for their families? 
Are we aware that families are being broken apart? If your children were hungry or in danger, would you cross a border (even if it was illegal) to try to create a better life and more opportunities for them? 
I know I would.

If anything, I have a huge amount of respect and love for those people who left their lives behind, came to the land of opportunity, and worked their tails off to improve their lives; because I don't know if I would ever be strong enough to do the same thing. I'm lucky to know some of these people, and they are the most humble and hardworking people I have encountered; they will always inspire me to work toward a better life.
If we have love in our hearts, we will push for a more effective process for those who aren't privileged enough to have been born into this country to be able to come here. If we have pride in our hearts, we are not willing to open our minds and hearts to the perspective and struggles of others.
So, there is my opinion on the matter. My opinion is that whatever the heck your opinion is, make sure it is rooted in love and respect. 

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"

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